Another Pinterest Success! {The Shredder!}

I was going to write about my fantastic fall decorations....
But the pictures turned out awful.... Half of them were blurry... Ugh!!
 So, I'll have to try again tomorrow.
Today the pool table came, I'll have to share those pics another time too...sorry.
I AM going to share with you one of the BEST things I've pinned on Pinterest.  Well, probably not the best... I just wish I had found this out years ago.  
It would have saved me HOURS of time!
 Using this mixer in a very unusual way...

 I pinned on Pinterest "how to shred chicken in 20 sec."
I'm thinking are you kidding me??
No one can shred chicken in 20 sec. We do a TON of Mexican food in my house and we use shredded chicken ALL the time.  So, I figured it's definitely worth checking out to see if it really works.

When I cook chicken, I usually cook an entire 3lb. bag of frozen chicken at a time, because it seems like such a waste of time to cook individual pieces.  When I grill chicken, I do the same thing. 
I grill the whole bag.  We aren't huge leftover fans, so I like to freeze them.  Then in a couple of weeks you have a "new" meal to serve.

Anyway, to cook up the chicken, I get out my stockpot, fill 'er up with water and dump the chicken in.  Cook it until it's done, I'm not sure of the time frame, sometimes I forget about it on the stove... 
I'm not the greatest cook, but I get it done. :)
Drain off the water. Then Wa La here is the cooked chicken in the bowl.
Pretty, huh? Not. Chicken is gross stuff to work with raw or cooked.  But we like to eat it, so there you have it... A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

Place the bowl in the mixer.
Take a look at that!  No Joke! 20 Seconds!!
This is AMAZING! You have no idea how many hours I have spent shredding chicken.  It takes soooo long!
Not anymore!
I do have one thing to tell you. Which I wasn't prepared for, it was a bit messy. The chicken did shoot bits and pieces out at me.  I ended up cupping my hands around the bowl.  But for 20 seconds, WHO really cares! Right???
I hope this saves you a ton of time too!
I really appreciate all of you that take the time to read my little ole blog.  Thank you!
If you like, you can follow me on Pinterest here. :)


  1. I would have "LOVED" seeing flying chicken coming your way!lol That truly is amazing. Sounds like a nice Christmas present! Hm

    1. It was quite comical! I LOVE my Kitchen Aid! It's a must have! Thanks for reading!!

  2. Hi, so glad this worked for you. I tried it a while ago too after spotting it on Pinterest but I let it go too long and over-shredded the chicken into tiny pieces. I am going to take your advice and go for 20 seconds.
