Happy One Year Bloggy Anniversary!! Yay!

Happy Bloggy Anniversary to Me!
Wow! I can't believe it's been one year since my very first post!
This was from my birthday... 
A little too happy don't ya think? :)

Writing that first post was a HUGE step of faith for me. 
I remember being scared to death!

Well, okay, I'm exaggerating...
Yet, at that moment, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
But I also had no idea, that I was going to meet some incredible and awesome people through blogging.  Some, I have met in person, and some are email friends.
They have all been such a blessing to me.

You can read my very first post, I called it
"To Blog or Not to Blog... That is the Question"
I was concerned about the time commitment 
and would anyone even want to read it?
I decided I didn't care, and I was doing this for me.
And to be honest that is still why I write.
I really enjoy it.
I like being creative and 
I feel like I'm sitting down and talking with a friend when I write.
Surprising enough, there are some people that really do like to read my blog. (yay!!)
I remember when I would have 20 or so people read my blog a week.  I was so excited!  Now, I usually have around 1,000 to 2,000 per day.  
I still can't believe that!!
Back in March 2012, I wrote a post called the
Messy Desk Dilema

That little project put me on the map, so to speak...
If you click on it you can read it.
I wasn't even going to write about it, 
I actually thought it was kind of a corny idea. 
Thinking no one is going to read this one...
Well, I was wrong!
I just checked it and 176,506 people have stopped by little ole post. 
SHUT the FRONT door!!!
I am truly thankful.
I've had a few other popular posts...
You can check them out on the side of my blog.
So, what's in store for this year?

I'm trusting that the Lord will give me direction.

Definitely MORE decorating!
And MORE crafting!
And MORE sewing!

Blogging has been such a great outlet for me.
2010 and 2011 were tough years for me and blogging throughout this past year has helped me heal, grow and discover more of myself
Thank you for reading, thank you for commenting, and thank you for listening. 
Most of all THANK YOU 
for the incredible support you have all been to me.
Looking forward to an AWESOME year!


  1. Wow! Happy Blogiversary, Lori! Congratulations on the great following that you have achieved...well deserved too. I need to go back and read some of your posts that I missed this past year. I'm glad you are coming to Haven again...can't wait to see you.

  2. Congratulations on a great year! Way to take a leap into something unknown and to find such enjoyment from it. I always enjoy your posts! Holly

    1. Thank you, Holly! I appreciate your sweet comments and encouragement!
