Front Porch Makeover Part 2 ~ {From Trash To Wow!}

If you didn't see my Front Porch Makeover Part 1, you gotta click over and check it out!  I am SOOOO lovin it!

In Part 2, I'm going to show you what the mat and pots looked like before and how easy it was to transform them.
This is what greeted you when you stepped up to my front door....
Now isn't that welcoming? Not! 
I really don't have many people use the front door, but that is just plain embarrassing.

So, I thought, I could just toss it and buy a new one.... 
What would happen if I painted it? What did I have to lose?

I tested out a corner.
The mat seemed to soak up the paint. Not bad.
And in case you are wondering, no I didn't clean it.  
I set it out in the rain the day before. 

And yes, that is bird poop. :/
I just flicked it off and kept on painting.
I found some white exterior paint in the basement and continued painting.  
I only did 2 coats.

Then for the blue parts, I used cardboard, some tape and spray painted.

Since I'm talking about spray paint, I used that same blue paint for these UGLY pots.
I picked these up for like $2 last year at Walmart at the end of season clearance. 

I painted them blue!
This is the best spray paint E.V.E.R.!!
No one is paying me to say that!
It adheres to just about anything and the coverage is amazing.
I only did 2 coats on these pots.
And they look awesome!!
Oh and the mat turned out terrific!

I sprayed the mat with a clear satin coat also, maybe it will last longer!  We'll see...
I love the fact that I was able to make the mat coordinate.
So, don't throw that old mat out, give it a makeover, paint it!!
 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg


  1. Wow! It looks amazing. I'm gonna go paint my mat now. ;-)

    1. Thanks, Mar! I was actually shocked at how well it turned out! And it still looks good!
      Thanks again, for stopping by!

  2. Once again, Lori you hit on an excellent idea - painting your welcome mat! Love the look and I remember those urns. Awesome makeover all the way around. love, nana

  3. Extraordinary idea. The mat turned out fantastic, as did the door.

    1. Hi Lisa! Thanks so much! It still looks great too!! Thanks again for stopping by!

  4. Your mat looks so fresh! I have the perfect mat to do this with! Thanks for the inspiration!
