(My) Fashion Over 40 ~ Crazy Love

I can't believe we are nearing the end of June already.
What's been new here at The Stonybrook House?
Well, we visited my daughter in VA last week.
We spent some time hiking.  Gorgeous view, right?!

We FINISHED painting the garage! ( Happy Dance!!)
(It wasn't finished here, but it IS now!)
You can check out the update Here.

We've had 2 evictions with the apartments, plus another one moving.
(That means I have been and will be busy cleaning...)
Plus, I have conquered Quickbooks for our business! (Yay!)
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram,
you might have seen a pic of me cleaning the garage floor.
That means we are moving on to staining the garage floor.
I'm really hoping to have that done this week, fingers crossed!

(My) Fashion Over 40
This is an outfit, I've been wanting to wear for a while.
But, since this girl had a hysterectomy in January, and gained a few pounds...
these cute black ankle pants didn't fit too well.
Now, I'm back down the "few" and I'm finally back to running up to 3 miles again.
That has definitely helped!
I probably bought these pants about 3-4 years ago and never wore them...
I know.
Why you ask? Well, the calf part of the pants was a little tighter than I liked, but I bought them at this super duper JCP store closing clearance for like $6.
I just couldn't turn them down.
To solve the the problem, I just thought of (like in the last month) of letting out the sides of the pants just a bit.  Well, that 'just a bit', made a HUGE difference!  I'll be wearing them more now!
 And the fun geometric sheer print shirt... Another JCPenny's clearance, $2.97!
I love a good deal! (Just in case you were wondering :))
The shoes... ancient. I don't even know when or where I got them. Sorry.

Have I ever told you that we host a Bible group at our home?
Our church calls them "cell" groups.
Definition: A small group acting as a unit within a larger organization.

We have been meeting in our home for quite a few years.
It has been a wonderful opportunity to connect on a more intimate level with families in our church.
Right now we are studying from a book called, Crazy Love by Francis Chan.
It has been very challenging to me personally.
This book has made me take a serious look into my heart and question my motivations for serving Christ, and what I'm doing in my life to serve Him and others.
There is definite need for improvement.
This week we are talking about what kind of legacy do you want to leave?
What do you want to be known for?
For me those aren't easy questions.
I've always just been a mom.  My kids were my "mission" field.
Now they are grown, now what... I'm not really sure, but it is definitely something I'm praying about.
I want to serve Christ more, I'm just not sure where or how.
But I believe that He is faithful and will direct me.

These scriptures show me that God isn't finished with me yet!

Psalms 119:105(NIV)
Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path.

Phillipians 1:6 (NLT)
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.


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  1. Hi Lori! I love your new blog header! Looks like you have been busy in June. Thanks for the fashion tips and for the inspirational thoughts. You look great!

    1. Gayle, I so appreciate you! You comments always lift me up! Love you!
