From The Heart ~Unfinished Business

It seems that some of my mojo has been zapped.... The feeling of being overwhelmed, with so many unfinished projects, has kind of paralyzed me.
Unfinished Business

Some of "The List".....

Boxes and boxes of photographs that desperately need to be organized, scanned and stored.
The never ending organization of the basement... let's just not go there...I want to PURGE!
Boxes of VHS tapes that I've started to convert to digital... so many more to go....
Work at the apartment...The entry area still needs to be finished...stairs, handrails, flooring, etc.
The cabinets from last year... I still want to install upper glass front doors and make base cabinets under the desk.
Paint and recover the other set of barstools.
Refinish the coffee table to go with the living room.
Paint the leopard chairs.
Shorten the tv box.
Finish My Life Story.
Painting rooms in our home... our poor bedroom has been neglected way too long.
Finish the brick garden edging and mulch all those gardens.
Paint the shutters on the house.
Finish updating my blog template...
Etc... etc... etc...blah...blah...blah...

The list seems to go on forever... F. O. R. E. V. E. R!!

Then I purchased these the other day.... and that list just seemed to disappear....
Watercolor Painting Supplies

Now, all I want to do is paint. Maybe I just need a little break...

I must have some form of ADD... My attention is so easily distracted at times.... I am famous for starting a project and not finishing it. Usually one of two things happens, I get uninspired and lose my creativity (or it just hasn't hit me yet) or I get distracted by another project that sounds like so much fun, I need to drop everything right now and start it! :) I'm so VERY thankful for my hubby is a VERY loving and patient man.

And let's not forget that, I'm a stay at home wife... I need to clean, cook, do laundry, pay bills, etc., like most people have to do. It is my job to take care of the home and my husband. Don't misunderstand, taking care of my husband is not a chore. He takes care of me and I take care of him. We love taking care of each other. He allows me the freedom to stay home and I allow him the freedom of not having to do household chores. Believe me he works enough hours....

I love my life.... I couldn't ask for more...The Lord has been so very good to me, more than I deserve.

I've been really praying lately that I won't miss His Plan each day. He has a plan for our lives each and every day. I feel when I get bogged down with that "List" of mine, I miss His Plan. I'm so focused on "The List" that I can't hear His voice.

So, maybe it's good that I'm "paralyzed" for the moment. Maybe that's the only way He can get my attention... Stop for a moment, enjoy the moment.

Lately, I feel the Holy Spirit asking me... What is really important in life?

What really matters in life? To me it's Sometimes I'm too caught up in getting "things' done. Yet, I need to make time for people in general. When was the last time we had friends over for dinner? Yeah, I need to work on that.

I need my lists to keep me focused, but I don't want be controlled by them. They don't define me. I'm not a better or worse person because of my list or what I've accomplished on the list. I'm still just me.

Yet, there is a wonderful sense of accomplishment when I get to cross something off the list. No wonder I love grocery shopping! I get to cross off so many things! :) And yes, I will admit it... I write something down on my list just to cross it off, but it reminds me that I actually did that thing too!! You know, in case I forget...

All of this to say, I'm not ditching the list anytime soon, but to sit back, take a breath and think about what's important in life.... is important to do.  Life sometimes become a rat race and everyone is spinning their wheels, but basically going nowhere.

I want my life to have meaning.... to have beauty.... to make a difference..... to be enjoyed. I always try to remember that we are not promised tomorrow. We only have now. I want to make the most of the NOW.

Some of those things on the list will get done, some may not. I'm learning to be okay with that.

This is where I am. This is the real deal... My mojo will come back, I'm not too worried about it. I know me... I'll be back at it in no time! But right now, I'm going to listen to Lord, enjoy each day, spend time with family and friends, breathe in, breathe out, and paint a pretty flower.

I'm trying to paint a little everyday... It's so relaxing. If you want to see my doodles, check me out on Instagram.

Stop, breathe, enjoy the moment!


  1. Maybe you should get a tattoo to remind you :)

  2. I know exactly how you feel! Pulled in so many directions of creativity and chores, sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough of me to go around or hours in the day. But I just keep telling myself two things. One - it's ok to pick one thing and finish it, even if it takes the whole day. The goal is to cross it off my list and I know once I do, I will feel like I accomplished something. And two - the f=overwhelming feeling will pass and it will get better.

    1. Thanks, Christine! You are so right! One day at a time... one thing at a time... Thanks for the encouragement! Have a great week!

  3. Lori,
    I know exactly how you feel. I have felt the same way and it's really is a balancing act. I can't tell you that I got it but I'm working on it. Praying you find peace and the Holy Spirit will lead you.

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet words, Vanessa! You are so right about the balancing's a tough one to juggle. Thank you for your prayers. What's kind of funny/not funny... is right after I posted that... I lost HUNDREDS of my photos on my blog... UGH! God knows what He's doing, I just need to continue to listen and follow... :)
