Weekend Escapade ~ Vacation & A Birthday!!

Hi everybody! This weekend escapade is really a weeklong vacation with a birthday celebration mixed in there. When we planned this vacation, I didn't even realize it was falling on my birthday week.

This mother was thrilled because both my children were supposed to come along. ❤️ This handsome fellow drove 10 hours in from Illinois.

Then we packed up and headed to Myrtle Beach. It's one of our favorite places to vacation.

What is it about the beach that is so relaxing? I can't get enough of the ocean waves and the sun shining. 

Hubby and I love walking along the beach… I could walk and walk and walk.😊

Fun photo opportunity! I was hoping to take family photos along the beach for our Christmas cards. 

I believe this is one of the piers that was damaged from Hurricane Matthew... so sad.

These clowns always make taking photos fun! Cheese! 😁

The weather was decent and the water was warm. It was so peaceful taking strolls along the beach.

We saw a stingray that got stuck on the beach and a guy helped him get back into the water.

We always have to stop and visit Broadway on the beach. Ice cream and salt water taffy are a must!

And of course, a stop in the sugary sweet treat store. (And no, I did not get that lovely Snickers bar... I'm going to have enough trouble getting all the extra weight off!)

I'm sure all of you heard about Hurricane Matthew, that kind of cut our vacation short. My daughter was supposed to come down Thursday but we were evacuated instead. So we decided to make the most of our vacation time, and headed up to see her and her boyfriend in Virginia. 

This momma can't ever have enough photos of her kiddos....

Thursday was kind of an exciting day… Because it also happened to be my birthday! 😊 My daughter is so sweet, and put up some decorations to celebrate! 💕

I picked sushi for dinner. Yum! Doesn't that look pretty?

Then my kiddos happen to mention that it was my birthday to our waiter… great… so they all came around and saying happy birthday...come on guys, I'm 51 now... But for some tiramisu? Okay, yum!!

So, my son says he wants me to bite into this thing and put my face into it... What!? Then everybody else chimed in! Do it! Do it! Well here you go....hahaha.

Then we go back to the house and my daughter made a yummy cake for us to eat too! 

This sweet girl also crocheted me an adorable coffee cozy. Twinsies! 😊 

This was right before we left for home. Finally, one photo of all of us together. I don't think this one is going to cut it for the Christmas card...  

We had a great time visiting. Vacation didn't turn out the way we had hoped, but we made the best of it. I really didn't care where we were, as long as we were all together. 😊

Now we're all home. Time to unpack, start the laundry, and get back to work. It was a great week. I am so very blessed.

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