Christmas Vacation

Hi there!! This is our first Christmas family photo in Pennsylvania. 
That was a long time ago!! This photo is what prompted this entire post... get ready!

Are you all getting ready for the Christmas holiday? I am too... but after a little melt down this morning... I've decided to do something that has completely taken me by surprise. 😳

I am going to take a bit of a Christmas vacation. No, I'm not going anywhere exotic or fantastic. I wish! I'm home, but I'm going to take a tiny vacay from the blog until January.

Let me just give you a peek into my world this morning and how this all came about... 

I woke up as usual around 5:30am. Grabbed a cup of coffee and started the first thing on my list this morning. Find photos for a, My Life Story post, entitled 'Making PA Our Home'. 

I found about a dozen photos and was pretty satisfied. Then.... as I'm scanning them and figuring out where I'm going to insert them into the post, I realized I'm missing some. I really want these photos in this post.  I KNOW I've seen them...somewhere.

Here we go AGAIN!!!! I can't find them.  I search through EVERY.SINGLE. photo album. Nothing.

I go downstairs to the "photo mess" and search through stacks and stacks of photos.... nothing. What the HECK!??!

I don't have time for this. I have A BILLION AND ONE things to do! AHHGGGGHHHHH!

Okay... take a break, Lori... I pour another cup of coffee and sit with my kitty and read my devotions. I enjoy reading my Bible when the sun is just coming up, even on this dreary rainy day. After spending some time with The Lord, I felt refreshed and ready to go! Let's do this!

Maybe I'll just do a post of all the Christmas card photos we've ever done. (Since I spent about 2 hours working on this year's Christmas card just last night! 😍 ) 

It's kind of a tradition. We've been taking photos for our Christmas cards for years! When you have family out of state, they really appreciate them. I just saw a bunch of them in those stacks downstairs! It will be fun, quick and easy! So I thought....

I went looking for them, they were in those piles I just went through downstairs, right?? Wrong! I could only find one or two! This is C.R.A.Z.Y.

Okay. I am not going to do another My Life Story post until these photos are ORGANIZED!!

(I just imagined myself screaming like Graham Allen and his Daily Rants. If you haven't seen this guy, you must! He is hysterical. Here's a one to enjoy...)

So, now it's about 8:30am. It's time to workout. That's kinda my schedule. I go upstairs to change and I'm talking to myself the whole time. I don't have time for this. I want to get a post out, I have to do this, this and this. Needless to say...I didn't workout. 

Instead, I ate some breakfast....wanting some fattening waffles and syrup...yes, I'm a stress eater, but I'm struggling with 5 stupid pounds I gained at Thanksgiving!! So, I didn't have that! Nothing exciting, I just had some protein cereal and a banana. That's when the idea struck me... I need a break.

I don't know if you can sense it, but I'm stressed! Granted, I understand this is mostly ALL self induced stress. But in any case, I don't like getting this way. 

Okay... didn't I just do a post not too long ago about being stressed?? I don't want this to be a regular thing.... I think I really do need a break.

It doesn't help that my house looks like this. 😳

Yeah...Did you get a good look at it? This is the real deal people... It's the Christmas transition. You know, going from "fall decor to Christmas decor". Why does it always seems to go this way? I can not deal with this for long. I think I'm starting to twitch....

Of course, there are other things adding to the pressure, this is just what happened to me this morning, kind of like 'the straw that broke the camel's back' so to speak.

Anyway, I am NOT going away. I just need to relieve a little pressure. I definitely will continue posting on Facebook and Instagram!

And who knows, maybe just the fact that I gave myself "permission" to take a break will free me and I'll be posting up a storm! 😜 Who knows! I have some really cool projects that are in the works... we'll see....I might just throw out a post here and there, I'll keep you updated. 😉

Love ya all! Thanks for reading!


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