Clean Out & Organize Your Makeup

Hi friends!  I'm on a beauty kick right now, but I was WAY overdo on this... I had eyeshadows in there that were probably over 10 years old... I mean seriously, Lori???
Old Makeup Mess
It might not look too bad at first glance, but let's really take a closer look here....

My drawer thingy was completely packed out, there was a layer of makeup on the drawers that would not clean off. Oh, and the middle drawer handle was broken, so I'd have to open up the bottom one to work it open.

Then I tried an old desk/pencil organizer I had hanging around in the basement to hold some of my brushes.  The drawers were too small and therefore useless.

I don't have a lot of makeup, but the little I had, had seen better days. 😜
Jam Packed Old Makeup Mess
Makeup usually isn't my regular sort of blog post.  But when I wrote about My Skincare Favorites and My Over 50 Makeup Favorites, I realized all of this needed to be cleaned out and organized! (You know I just realized that none of my 'makeup favorites' are specifically for over 50... duh! They are great for any age! I changed the title. 👍)

Usually, I might DIY an organizer, but I wanted a clean look for my counter.  I found these on clearance!  Burlington! I have found some awesome deals there lately.  I think I paid about $15 for all of the pieces.  Don't they look spectacular!!! 😎
New Makeup Organizers
Hahahaha.... Uh, yeah... a little over the top with the sunbeam rays! 😊  I love the big long drawers.  The separate organizers that sit on top of the drawers will hold all sorts of odds and ends.  I really like the pink on them too! 💗

Let's get to it!
Purging old makeup
I used the Kon Mari method when I went through all of it.  Only keeping what I loved. Speaking of the Kon Mari method, I still haven't finished going through all of the house... that is still on the list.  There's just so many other things that pop up.  Ugh! I struggle with staying on task!  I get distracted too easily... like right now!  Back to it!

I love that it has a place for all my brushes on top and the little slots for all the samples of foundation that I keep collecting... I'm still on the foundation hunt!  All of my primers, foundations and concealers that I still use regularly are in the first drawer.
Drawer 1

The middle drawer is my collection of eyeshadow.  I dumped so many!  I also have that huge palette on the side that won't fit in anything....
Drawer 2

The bottom drawer holds eyeliners, mascaras, and brow stuff.
Drawer 3

The very last drawer contains blushes and bronzers.
Drawer 4

Like I said, I don't have that much makeup, but what I have I love and I use.  I normally like a simple natural daily look.  It isn't hard to spice it up for a nighttime look. 😍

So, if you're like me and have been holding on to some old makeup for way too long... clean it out, only keep what you really love and use! Simpler is better!

Before & After Makeup Organizer


  1. Way to go Lori. It looks awesome. something I need to do too....LOL

  2. I am in a constant struggle with my makeup. I try to keep it tidy, but one morning of running late can put me in a tail spin! I sell Rodan + Fields skincare, so love the fact that there are 4 pieces to our skincare regimens. When I started using it, I threw out so much "stuff". I use a 4 drawer organizer for my makeup. It works fairly well and stores in my cabinet. I am going to have to read about the method of organization you mentioned. My goal is to go through my fall decorations and do a little purging before the season starts!
    Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse
