Farmhouse Mudroom Wall

I have sooo many things to share with you, but I can only do them one post at a time...  Here's the first one!
Farmhouse Mudroom Wall

The laundry room has been in need of an overhaul for quite sometime now.

When we first built our house the laundry room was practically half it's size. The door to the garage lined up with this wall. There weren't any of those wire shelves.  We extended the laundry room into the garage, which gave us so much more room!  That happened waaayyy before blogging...

Before Mudroom Wall

And... If you're wondering what the patch job is all about... Well, Hubby and I were thinking of moving our furnace intake to that wall.  We opened it up to see what was in there.  There were too many pipes and such to move it, so we patched it back up and left it like that for over a year. 😜  Nice right??

Have I ever mentioned that I hate doing drywall?  I know hate is an extremely strong word, but I just can't stand it!  The mess is unbelievable! I went over that patch twice with joint compound and it still wasn't right.  That wall is just plain wavy!

Wouldn't it be great just to cover it? Yes!  So, that's what I did!  Let's just make it pretty!

Plus, I've been wanting to have a place for guests to hang their coats. This was the perfect solution!  You could put one of these walls anywhere and it would look great! Instant mudroom wall!

I purchased some beadboard wall paneling, a couple of 1x4 boards, and some 'cove' trim.

Mudroom Wall Supplies

Oh, This is going to turn out so good!! 😍  And it really was pretty easy!

First, I decided how high I wanted the wall to be. In the picture above, you can kinda see the line I drew and how I painted only so far with our new beautiful gray color. ❤️

Then I measured and cut the 1x4s to frame the wall.

Framing the mudroom wall

I normally would have used my nail gun, but the 1x4s that I had in the garage for awhile warped a bit, so I needed to force them straight with screws. 👍

Once that was done, it was time for the beadboard panel.

Normally, beadboard is put up with the beads running vertically.  I wanted them to run horizontally to mimic shiplap, but with a slightly different look.

Beadboard for mudroom wall

Beadboard paneling comes in 4ft x 8ft sheets.  Since I wanted this to run horizontally and the wall was taller than the 4ft, I had to add a small piece at the bottom.  Hubby cut it so that the paneling looks continuous down the wall.  When I'm finished caulking you won't even be able to notice that slight gap.

I could have just caulked all of the sides where the paneling meets the 1x4s, but I felt that a piece of trim would 1. be easier and 2. look so much nicer.  I used 'cove' trim.  Like this....
cove trim
I picked it up at Lowes.  If you want wood cove trim, you'll pay over $7.50 for each 8ft piece.  I found it in the 'plastic' polystyrene section for $3.50! That's practically half the price for the same 8ft piece.  I wouldn't use this if it was going to be in an area that would be hit and used heavily, but it works perfect here!

Beadboard on mudroom wall with cove trim

After all of the caulking and wood filler, we are ready for paint!

Then Hubby so graciously attached the hooks.  This was minutes before some guests were arriving and I wanted them to be able to hang their coats there! 😁

Attaching hooks to mudroom wall

Doesn't it look great??? It's exactly as I pictured it!

Farmhouse Mudroom Wall

If you want to see how I made that sign, come visit me over on Instagram.  I've saved it in my highlights.

The laundry room (now also mudroom), is getting a complete overhaul! It's been so much fun!!

Farmhouse Mudroom Wall

The laundry area, where the washer and dryer are, is getting worked on. The shelf area you can see in the above photo, is going to be completely re-done.  And... you can see a bit of a sneak peak at the floor... ❤️  And... there is more planned!

I just love how this turned out!!

Farmhouse Mudroom Wall

Thanks for reading!


1 comment

  1. Oh that is Beautiful clean farmhouse look I like it a lot. Great job!!!! Jean
