Salsa Garden ~ Part 1

I have to tell you, I am sooo excited about this latest project!
I just don’t think I can get it all in one post, so I’m going to do a Part 1 & Part 2.

This project would not have been possible without my wonderful hubby! He planned exactly what I wanted.  He measured and figured, did all the mental math.  He’s so good at that.  
 I do NOT do mental math… that’s what calculators are for.   
I’d rather use my brain power for something much more FUN!!

While I’m on the subject of hubby…. I’ve been wanting to do a little spotlight on him.  
 (He’s going to be so surprised when he reads this…  :))))
Since August 2011, when the kiddos went off to college, hubby began a mission to lose weight.  Now this was a shocker for me, he’s never really been concerned about his weight.  Not me.  
I've been very aware of the numbers on the scale....
 In 2005, I lost about 40 lbs. (Finally lost the “baby” weight.)

Well, with the kiddos gone, it was soooo much easier to monitor and watch what we ate!  We basically got rid of the junk food and ate smarter, whole grains, veggies, fruit, and more fish. 
Well, let me just show you the difference.

This is a pic of the fam at my daughter's High School graduation.
So, that's June 2011

This is from Easter 2012.  Not the best pic, but the most recent.
Can you say, “WOW”!!! He lost 50 lbs! Isn’t that amazing!  The real challenge is this summer… 
the kiddos are returning from college next week …. 
He says there is NO WAY he’s EVER going back to that.  
I’m with him on that!  
It also helped me, too.  I was able to loose another 15 lbs!  
 We both feel sooo much better and healthier! Yay! 
I am very proud of my wonderful hubby! 
I couldn’t imagine my life without him!  Love you, honey!

Ok… Back to Part 1….

I have plans to put in a mini veggie garden this summer.  I’m so excited about it!   
One little problem we’ve had for the last year or so…..  Bunnies…..

Oh, sure the furry little creatures are cute, but they DEVOUR my plants!   
That does NOT make me a happy camper…

And if I want to have any sort of garden, we need to deter them from hanging around our yard… We discovered that they were living under our shed last year.  Well, they wanted to this year also, but I had other plans…

Now don’t think me too cold hearted…. I was about to do WHATEVER it takes to get rid of them.  Sorry, bunnies..... I was even considering loading my hubby’s pellet gun… Oh… 
I probably shouldn’t admit that.  I didn't! 
But you know, desperate times call for desperate measures
 and I am GOING to have a garden this year!

Hubby to the rescue!  We bought some small gauge wire fencing to block off the bottom sides of the shed.  We’ve been wanting to do this for some time, it just never happened til NOW… yay!

It wasn’t too difficult, we got it done in about a couple of hours, if that long.  I dug away the dirt.

Hubby started cutting the strips of wire fence.   

He even showed me how to use the cutter.   
 I can do power tools! Yes!

Then just nail it up.  Easy. 

 Then I just piled some rocks along the edge, just incase those bunnies, 
think they can get by me and pull a fast one… 
Not happening here!

Well, a couple of days later, we saw the bunny make a bee line for the shed.   
 Screeeech!!! It couldn’t get under….   
It went to the other side….  
 Haha! Blocked there too! It took off! Yay!

So, one little problem solved.

Now, we can move to Part 2.

Which involves this….
 Part 2 coming soon... (hopefully tomorrow)

1 comment

  1. What a great way to keep those rabbits out from there! Your husband looks fantastic! I'm sure that took a lot of commitment and it's definitely worth it!! :) Megan
