Lovin this Gray Wash Look! {Gray Wash Technique}

There are so many different ways to paint and stain furniture. 
I've never did this look before, but Hubby and I are really liking it!
Remember the other day? I showed you the drawer I started? 
You can read about it HERE.
Well, it looks nothing like that anymore!
It looks better! 
Just wait, you'll see...
Hubby put the pressure on to have it finished by Tuesday night, well, I got moving!

I sanded the whole thing down with 100 grit sand paper. Then I started with the white wash part of it.  I mixed some primer with water til it was thin like milk.
Then I just brushed it on and wiped it off.
 You can tell by the drawer, we are still a long ways off from being done.
Then I added the gray.
 Hmmm... It's okay...
This was kinda where I was when Hubby got home.

We were feeling like we were bringing back the 80's white washed look.  Uh...No. Nope we're not going there.
So we decided to add more gray.
Oh, yeah... now that is looking better!

Much, much, much better!

Then I put a couple of coats of poly-acrylic on it.
What an incredible difference!!
Yeah, I know, I need to paint the lamp, and recover the chair to the left... 
All in good time!
The couch is staying.  
It's really comfy and in great condition!

I still can't believe how good it looks!

I love that I'm actually doing things in my house!!
Now, I need to get started on the other end table.

I told you this would be fun! 

 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg


  1. Love it girl! What kinda paint did you use?

    1. Thanks! It was just a regular latex paint. I used so little of it. It was Valspar at Lowes.

  2. Wow what a change. When watching you from a distance and the beautiful touch you put to it, reminds me of a transformation. Like Father God does with us. Beautiful color Lori. Love it! The color you picked for your walls in that room is bugging me! Can't wait to see the end result.

  3. I am all in with the grey, love it!
