Another Shoulder Update {14 Weeks}

Well, hello! I thought I'd give you an update on how things are going with the ole shoulder.
Shoulder Update
Isn't that a fun graphic? I have so much fun making those! 😁

It's been 14 weeks since surgery. Wow! I've come a long way! But sometimes, it feels like I've got so far to go...

Here are my previous posts on my shoulder just in case you're interested.

Shoulder Surgery
3 Week Update
7 Week Update

Remember this? Oh, I do... It took such concentration just to get it to that point.
Pulley Beginnings

Now I'm up to this! And quite easily!! Yay! I kinda jimmy rigged the pulleys. I figured it's so much easier to have them handy at anytime during the day, plus I'll be using these to stretch out for the next several months.
Pulleys forever

I can now raise my arm up without any help! 😊 It's still a bit wonky, but we're getting there people!
Reaching up with no help!

These bands keep me busy too...
Band strengthening excercise

When I first started, I couldn't use any weights....
No weight bicep curl

And now I'm up to 4 lbs.
4 lbs bicep curls

Some exercises I can use 3 lbs., some 2 lbs. and some only 1 lb. It just depends...

I've just started trying to reach around to my back. When I first started, it hurt so much just to try and touch the bottom of my pocket.
Reaching back stretch

Yet, in a matter of a couple weeks, I've been able to stretch to this point.... Not bad.

So there definitely has been progress! It just seems extremely slow...

I just had a Dr. appointment this week, to share with him all the progress I've made. The therapist filled out a form, which also lets him know how much strength and flexibility I have gained. He also had me run through a few things.

All in all, he says I'm doing well. It will still be months until I'm at full strength, and able to do anything I want....but it will come. Patience. Diligence. It will pay off in the long run. So, I go back in 2 months for a final check.

It looks like I'll still be in therapy for another month.

Whew! It has been a long three months. I've really tried to be consistent with my therapy everyday.  I mean every. single. day. 1 hour in the morning and about 30 minutes of stretching in the evening. I really don't want to do it, but I have to. 

Then I walk... about 1 1/2 miles 3 times a day. Well, weather permitting. Today, I actually did 2 miles on the mid-day walk. 

I actually love the walking! Its so nice to be outside! If you follow me on Instagram, I've shared some Instastories on my walks. 😊

Probably the thing that is still the hardest for me... is that I can't do all the projects I want to do! I'm trying to keep busy with crafty things, but I have big plans! And I can't do any of it. 😩 Oh, well. I have to keep remembering "the patience" part...

The other thing that is hard... my body has turned to jello! I'm serious.  I've only gained about 3-5 lbs., but it feels like more because I have NO muscle! My hips have the secretary spread, my arms, stomach and legs are all giggly! Ugh! I have to start looking for a Mother of the Bride dress soon! I'm putting it off til June. 

I'm still cleaning out using the KonMari Method. Remember? If not you can see that I finished clothing in my first post, My KonMari Journey - Part 1 Clothing.

I started the next category -books and I have already gone through all of my books. Hubby just hasn't had the time to go through his. So, I may just move on to the next category, instead of waiting for him. I don't want to lose momentum.

For now, I must learn to be content doing what I can. This is the season I am in. It's not a fun one, but it could always be worse. God always has a plan and His ways are always better than mine.

You know what's neat? I've been able to encourage 2 other women that are going through what I've been through, or close to. I had a sweet gentleman from church encourage me and it makes me glad that I'm able to 'pay it forward'. 😊 Thank You, Lord!


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