Master Bedroom Makeover *Update*

It is so nice to be back to living and doing again! Last week, I could barely get my head off the couch. Being sick is no fun! But I'm back and feeling sooooo much better!!

Master Bedroom Makeover

We're making progress on the Master Bedroom Makeover. Yay!! 👏👏    There is still a lot that needs to be done, but we'll get there! 

If you didn't get a chance to see my plan and inspiration... stop by HERE and check it out!

So far.... we've done some painting. Look at my sweet hubby!!

Painting the master bedroom

Uhhh.... I wasn't getting way up on that ladder....  He has no fear! Then he volunteered to paint that wall! 😍😍😍

Painting the master bedroom

He's so good to me! You can see how tall those walls are! He's 6'2"!   I could have reached them, but he loves to help me! I'm so thankful for him! 💕

This was the easiest color we have EVER chosen!  Do you see that arrow in the photo below? Do you see the paint swatches that are taped to the wall?

Choosing paint colors

That's how we usually chose our paint colors. We tape them up and pull off the ones we don't like, a simple process of elimination.

Well, I taped up about 10 or so swatches and was really drawn to one of them.  So, when Hubby came home I asked him what he thought of the colors.  He walked right up to it looked at all of them and pointed to one of them and said, "I really like this one".  

It was the EXACT same one I liked! That NEVER happens! I never shared with him that I was even drawn to one of them.... I didn't tell him anything! We usually never chose a color like that. But this time we did! So, that was it. The color was chosen. We chose Angel Touch by Valspar. I always use Behr paint so, I just had Home Depot mix up that color.

In case you didn't know, you can have just about any name brand paint color mixed in your favorite paint. It doesn't matter if it's Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore or Valspar.  Most painting departments or stores have all the color number information in their mixing computers. 😍   

The color, Angel Touch, is the slightest shade of bluish green. It's really hard to tell. In fact, it's kind of hard to tell our room is even painted... the light has to hit just right. But we LOVE it! It's just soft and relaxing.

Here is a before and after... I had to darken the photos enough to see a difference.

Before and after paint color

Hubby painted the tall wall and edged the sides that slope.  Which made it super easy for me to finish up the room! If you look really careful, you can see where hubby stopped painting. The arrows help. 😊

Painting the master bedroom

The room completely is painted now! Except for where the shiplap is going. 

shiplap wall

I am so excited that we are finally working on our bedroom! We've only lived in this house for 9 years! 😜  What?! Crazy, right!  

One of the dressers is already completely redone... It looks amazing!! I absolutely LOVE it!  If you follow me on Instagram and follow Instastories you would've seen a sneak peek!

sneak peak of dresser makeover

I'll be sharing that little transformation next!! 💖

Update! Here's a link to our finished Master Bedroom Makeover!


  1. How exciting! Can't wait to see your finished project!!

    1. Hi Cathy!! Thanks!! I waited waaayyyy too long to do our bedroom! But better late than never! :) I can't wait for it to be finished, too!! :)
