
Another Blogger Award??
Amy @ Yellow House on 3rd 
nominated me for 

Thank you so much, Amy!!

I had never even heard of this one.  
So, I went to Google.
What did they have to say? 
Well, I found an actual blog that records and answers questions 
for the blogger award. They even keep a list of the nominees.
 You can check it out Here.

So, what is this award all about?
I wasn't sure what the hype was.
Apparently this is a blogger to blogger award.
The host of the VBA blog said it was more like a chain letter
 that gets passed around.  Ugh...
That is NOT what I want to do or be apart of.
  Do you remember those? 
"Don't break the chain or you will have ... blah blah blah...."

I kept scrolling down and reading.... 
Then, I read someone else's definition.
It's more like friendship bread!!
Now that's more like it!
Doesn't that look DELISH??!!
I LOVE friendship bread, it's so sweet and cinnamony and good!  
I have a starter in my freezer... Hmmm
Maybe I should pull that out and share some...

So, when I heard THAT definition, I thought,
"Ok, I'll do this"

Here are the rules for the Versatile Blog Award:
  • Thank the person who gave you this award.
  • Include a link to their blog.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Tell 7 things about yourself.
There are also a few add-on rules:
  • In the same post, include this set of rules.
  • Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs

Here are my 15 Blogs
Check them out, they are pretty cool!!
Some of them may have already received the
Versatile Blog Award, but I don't think that really matters, right?

Here are 7 little tibits about me....

 I am 46 and was born and raised in California.

 I LOVE coffee... Did I mention LOVE??? 
There is something sooo special about a cup of coffee in the morning and
 spending some quiet time reading my Bible.

 I have been married to my BEST friend for 24 years!

 I am a girlie girl!  
I love wearing make up and doing my hair and painting my nails!

 I am addicted to Words with Friends!

 I never went to college, but both my kiddos are! Yay!

  Lastly, but most importantly, I am a born again Christian.  The Lord is my life.  
I pray that He gets glory in all I say and do!

Okay, if you were nominated, it's your turn!!


  1. Hi Lori, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Hi Chris! I stopped by your blog! I hope you have a great trip! Beautiful artwork, I pray it is very profitable at the craft shows!! I'm a follower!

  2. This could be the very sweetest kind of sweetness ever. ever. Thank you and Congrats on being recognized.


  3. Lori, you are hilarious. I found you through Ash at Humber Home Project. I love how Friendship bread made you all gung ho to do the Versatile Blogger thing :)

    I am your newest Facebook Page Liker :)

    Hope you have a great day!


  4. Thank you so much! I appreciate the encouragement. Hey while you are passing this out, I would love some of that bread! Girl that stuff looks GOOOOD! Do you have a recipe for it? Pass that out too! Seriously, thank you. I love your blog! You are so talented. BTW Gotta agree on the coffee thing. I remember ONCE not having my coffee in the morning. I swear I couldn't do anything right! It was like trying to do everything left handed when you are right handed. It felt just...wrong! The girly girl thing.. I am a firm believer that you are feel better when you look better. On days when I feel really out of sorts, the one thing I do is get up, shower, fix myself up really nice. No matter how lousy I feel it seems to really help me feel better. Sometimes feeling happy and better has to be a choice. It just doesn't come naturally at times. Know what I mean?

    Again, thank you so much and I look forward to reading your blog!

    Erin aka nanasrcool

    1. You are encouraging me!! Thank you! I do have the recipe for that! I'll have to dig it up! If you don't have the starter for it, I think the link I had connected to it gives a recipe for that. I definitely agree with you, sometimes we can't go by our feelings, we have to just push forward! Thanks so much for your encouraging words!
