How to Make Cleaning Easy!

It’s time to start cleaning up here at the Stonybrook House!
Now that the kiddos are back to college, there will be less messes to clean, right?
Less messes means a cleaner house, a cleaner house 
means I can focus on getting more projects done! Yay!
Am I boo hooing because my house is empty?
No not really.  I love the time I have with my kids, but I also love the time I have with hubby 
and just being by myself.
It’s probably because when my kids are here, I focus on them.  
They know I’m nosy and I'm in their business quite a bit… Oh well.  I’m the mom, right?!  
Isn’t that my job??  I thought so…. 
I’m sure I won’t have much time to miss them.  
They seem to come home often and use the laundry room :)

Okay, back to cleaning.  I’m not a neat freak, but I really do like it clean and organized.
That doesn’t mean that it is clean and organized.  I’ll show you a few pics of what I mean.
This is how my house is right now as I write! It's not horrid, it's just that all of that gets to me and stunts my creative juices... :)
Time to get rid of the dead flowers.... 
See the new topper for the gazebo!
Ugh... dishes...

Then, I’m going to do some cleaning and show you how I like it to look ALL the time.  
Ta Da!!

I know that’s a fantasy to think it will stay like this.
But for some reason when the kitchen and the office is clean I feel like the whole house is practically clean!

Cleaning is ALWAYS a work in progress.
I found this Cleaning Calendar on Pinterest. (Yay!  I’m using something I pinned!!)
I actually think it’s doable.  I’m going to tweak it some.  I’m an empty nester.  I don’t need to do a load of laundry everyday. (THANK the LORD!)
And I’m much more productive in the morning so, I’m going to add a few more things there. 
Plus I need a reminder to clean the kitty box (fun stuff!)
So here it is!
Ok... It only took me an hour or so to figure out how to turn a Word Doc into a jpeg/png!
But I did it!
I know that the first thing is to make my bed.  
That will be a challenge, if you read in 25 Quirky Things About Me, #5 is that I don't make my bed.
So, I'm going to try! I've done it a few times last week and it actually felt good.  Weird, I know.

A reality check.... I know I’m probably not going to get everything done everyday,
but I think it will get easier over time, right?!
I have so much to do and of course, creating this new cleaning calendar took WAY longer than I thought! Oh well, isn’t that how it always goes??
I AM going to work on stenciling something for the office today!
I’ve got to get off this computer and get moving! See ya!
Hey, let me know if this would work for you?  Do you use some sort of calendar to clean? 
Please share it with me!


  1. What did that take you? Like, 10 minutes max? lol! If you're still in the mood, I have some dishes left over from yesterday you could do. Grossss!! I know! ;)

  2. Thank you so much Lori. I am an empty nester to and would just like to "run away" for the mess. My place looks almost exactly like yours did...the pics gave me hope and I am going to try to print out your schedule. Great idea!

  3. I am disabled, but I shall give it a try! I used to clean my house spotless every Saturday before I became disabled. It has been difficult to say the least. New meds are helping me with pain. If I pace myself, I should be able to stay on track with your list, but at a slower pace of course. Thank you so much for sharing!
