Bedroom Make Over!

Wow!  It's been awhile....

No, I haven't been on vacation. Nope, not working at the apartments. And, I definitely haven't been sick! This is what I've been working on all week!

My daughter had already started moving things around when I started taking the "before" pics.  Oh, well, you get the idea.
Bedroom Before
And it wasn't just me... We both worked on her room. She had one week before she started working full time and she said, "Mom, I'm tired of my room, could we paint it?"

Sure! I'm always up for something like that! Little did we realize that it would turn into a complete make over!

I'm going to apologize up front, because this is gonna be one LONG post! :) But hang in there, because it was sooo worth it!!

Here's a little sneak peek of what the finished project looked like.
Bedroom Complete with Accent Wall
I know! I know! Adorable, right? You haven't even seen the best part yet!

Now, if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you might remember this picture.... when my baby girl returned from college for the summer...
Return From College Bedroom DUMP
Yikes!  She managed to get it all cleaned up! She's awesome like that!

So, here we go....It all started with a trip to Lowes to pick up paint and supplies.
Lowes trip paint supplies and other stuff
She picked out paint and we loaded up some wood for a project.

First came the painting.... My little girl jumped right in and got to work!
Daughter painting accent wall
I got to do the fun part.... Cutting in :/
Cutting in the accent wall color
She picked out this beautiful shade of coral called Passionate Pink, she's the designer here and picked out which walls she wanted to accent.

She choose the wall with her bed on it and a small wall right when you walk in, which you saw in an earlier picture. We loved the way it turned out!

Here's the before and after!
Plain Wall Before

Coral Accent Wall After
This was soooo much fun! But a lot of work. While she was painting there, I began painting her bathroom too!  

She wanted it that soft yellow she had in her paint chips. The cream was for the rest of the walls in her room. The bathroom came out nice too.

This is before:
Bathroom Before Paint
This is after:
Bathroom After - Painted
Nice and fresh. No, we aren't finished decorating, we just used items I had in the basement. Previously she had a black shower curtain. I happen to have this one on hand.

It's so nice to see paint on the walls. Remember, we've lived here almost 4 years and just have the cheap contractor white walls... That is changing!! :)

Ok! Next up is the bed. If you scroll back, you will notice that my daughter's bed is on the floor. That was her choice. It's funny, I did the same thing when I was her age...

When the kiddos were younger, Hubby built them loft beds for their room. Nice and sturdy and gave them more space in their rooms. Over the years they didn't want them up anymore so we changed them and put them on the floor.

When my son moved to Illinois last month, he didn't want his bed. So, my daughter thought she might want to use it.
Plain Wood Bed Before
Well, it definitely needs some paint!! So, we sanded, primed and painted!
Priming and painting wood bed

Painted Coral Bed
It came out so nice! Plus it was free! We were trying to do this room on a tight budget and free always works!

Her room is definitely coming together! We were painting and painting and painting!!

We painted her walls, bed, shelf, curtain rods and and a metal magnet board. The shelf wall came out nice!

Here's a before and after:
Shelf Wall Before

Shelf Wall After - Painted
Wow! And much cleaner! She really cleaned out a lot of stuff from high school. Much better don't you think?

She painted that shell picture in college and thought it went perfect with the room. She has great taste!
Painting Shell Art
Ok, I think we are actually wrapping this up!

Here's a few more pics...
Painted Coral Curtain Rods
She's not too happy with the way this came out, so she's probably going to repaint this. Although, I love the anchor and the verse! 
Scripture Verse in progress
Curtains were free too... Something else I had down in the basement.  I practically keep everything...
Curtains and tie backs
One last thing, remember that wood we purchased at Lowes? Well, my daughter wanted to make a headboard.

She wanted a statement piece. The end result was beautiful! The process of what it took to get there will be in another post this week.
That little baby took us WAY TOO much time!! But, it ended up gorgeous!

So, I'll just show you the end result. :)
Accent Wall Complete with headboard
Didn't it come out great? Here's a close up of the fabric.
Close up of headboard fabric
Love, love, love it!! So, there! It's done! Yay! She is sooo happy with her room.

Here's a recap.
Daughter's Bedroom Before
Daughter's Bedroom After
Oh... By the way... Those adorable chevron bulletin boards? They're going to be in the headboard fiasco post. Just wait and see... :)

*Update: You can check out that post, Headboard Fiasco!

Just lovin this color! 
Accent Wall Complete with headboard
So, there you have it! That's what my week was like! I told you it was going to be a LONG one! Thanks for hanging in there! 

Now, I can't wait to start on something else!


 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg


  1. That was very nice Lori and very interesting to follow.. Love Aunt Grace

  2. Lori, the room looks very nice. You both did a great job!! Judy Little

    1. Hi Judy! We had a great time putting it together! Thanks!

  3. I think that is the most beautiful pink I have seen. Love the way it transforms the room.


    1. Thanks, Lisa. Morgan never thought she would put pink back in her room... :)

  4. Where did you get the pink/peach/coralish color?? And do you know what it was called? I've been looking for that shade for forever!!!!

    1. It really is a pretty color! So sorry it's taken me this long to answer.... It's Valspar Passion Pink!
