Word for the Year ~2014

Here we are 2014!
Can you believe it??

Have you been doing much reflection on the past year?
I have.

Just thinking... You know.
As I began praying for a word this year, different ones came to mind...
But I settled on 

Last year my word was

Yes, there were definitely some changes.
The biggest change for me was when I did the Whole30 Challenge
I felt like I made true life changes. 
We still eat healthier than we ever have. 
You can read about that HERE.

So, as I was reflecting, I realized some things.
Did I change from the changes?
How did I grow from the changes?
Was I affected by the changes?
I wasn't too impressed with my answers.
I did my best to document all the different changes.
But that's all I did.
I'm thinking The Lord might have wanted me to do more.

So, this year it's time for more doing!

Done on purpose; deliberate, purposeful
Done in a way that is planned or intended.

I don't want to be blown around by life with no direction or purpose. 
It's so easy to get distracted and lose sense of time and before you know it we'll be at the end of 2014.
A friend of ours said something as they were leaving our New Year's Eve party last week, "It seems like we just did this not that long ago."  It's so true, I remember our party last year so vividly, how did a year already pass?
Time seems to be going by faster than ever.

So what am I going to be doing different?
I want to be intentional this year.
Not just good intentions.

Good intentions without a plan will get you nowhere.

Okay... I'm going to get a little personal and honest here.  
A couple of things The Lord, has pointed out to me.
The first one He showed me on Sunday at church.
My prayer life...
Hasn't been too intentional.

I don't know about you, but I LOVE to chat and talk with my children.  I look forward to it. I wish they wanted to talk to me as much as I want to talk with them.  But I know... They're busy, they have lives, they aren't that interested. I'm not upset or offended by that, it just made me realize something. 

I am His child.
He feels the same way about me.
He LOVES to chat and talk with me.
But I've been too busy, I've got my own life, and I maybe
 I haven't been that interested. (Just being honest)

Don't get me wrong, I pray, but maybe it's more of a
 "grocery list" of things I want Him to take care of.

I needed this reminder.

I'm going to be more intentional in my prayer time.
My plan: To start my devotions with prayer.

Another thing The Lord showed me was that I waste lots of time.
Yep, as much as I love my lists, I still manage to throw time away.
I would say the main culprit would be social media and tube time (TV).

So, we'll be working on less social media
 and using my night time more productively.
My plan: Time limits for social media
 and making a list of things I can do in the evening.
(I probably should explain... Hubby goes to bed early and I am limited on the things I can do.  He needs his sleep.  You don't want a tired truck driver on the road, do you??)

There are more things I want to be intentional on, but I think this post is long enough and working on those two will be a good start to 2014.

Have a blessed day!
 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg

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