I Just Had A Heart To Heart With God {Rescued by John Bevere}

I must share this. I don't usually do book reviews, and this isn't really going to be one, but EVERY believer should read this book.
Rescued by John Bevere. (I made it a link, it will take you to Amazon if you want to purchase it) I have been reading this book for a book club I'm in.  I didn't even realize that John Bevere wrote a novel.

Well, this one has rocked my world! And since, I'm not going to be doing too many "projects" for the next couple of weeks, I thought I'd share my thoughts on this book.

(FYI.... I'm home recovering from surgery, with restrictions of no lifting over 10lbs.) I'm fine and doing well.  Just "enjoying" some couch time recovering.

Anyway.... I just finished this book this morning. Now some of the gals in book club had already finished it earlier and said it would rock your world.  I didn't see how at the time. Now I see it. And it prompted a heart to heart with my Savior. 

We live our lives consumed with daily living. Sometimes God is invited in and other times not. I live my life not always thinking of how things affect my eternity. What is going to matter at the end? I don't mean at the end of the day... I mean the end of life.  What is going to matter then?

The only thing that is going to matter is if Christ knows me and I know him. Not the kind of knowing what my name is. Not the kind of knowing who your neighbors are. No, it's the deep kind. He knows everything about me. All of the good, the bad, and... the ugly. Seriously... EVERYTHING! I can't hide anything from Him. This isn't a causal thing.  We can't be acquaintances.
It has to be so much more.

I pray, read my Bible, go to church... I know there's more to it. I know that I have asked The Lord to forgive my sins. But, have I always been sincere? With a humble and contrite heart? Truly giving Christ all that I am? Sometimes maybe, but to be honest maybe not all the time. Are there areas in my life that have not changed for good? Had I been sincere, wouldn't there be changes in my nature? To love what He loves and hate what He hates. That would be "knowing" Christ. 
When I read in the book about how the main character kept Christ at arm's length and taught others to do that also. I thought, oh, Lord, I do that.... Why do I do that? Just close enough, but out of reach. What am I afraid of? Why would I fear having a close relationship with the God that loves me so much? And I love Him too, it's just....What? Pride? Selfishness?

What I really should fear, would be where would I spend eternity. When the end of life comes, that is when you are out of options. You need to have already made your choice. You can't change your mind. It's heaven or hell. Sure we all want heaven, but do we live like we want it.  Do we serve Him, love people, help people, show people His love? For me, I don't want there to be any doubt.  I choose Christ!  And because I choose Christ I have no fear of hell.  My word for the year is Intentional. I choose to be intentional in my walk with Him this year.

I know people don't like to hear this, don't want to believe this. I've heard it said "How could a loving God send someone to hell?" The answer is He doesn't. He wants every single person to go to Heaven. People just don't choose Him. It's His world. He created it the way He saw best. And He showed us the best way to Him, through Jesus dying on a cross for my sin and everybody else's. We just have to choose to love Him with all of our heart, soul and mind.

So, needless to say, God and I had a heart to heart.

I spent some time repenting of my sin. I truly want my life to give Him glory.  I love Jesus with all that I am. He has forgiven me of all my sin. He has set me free. Thank you, Lord!

I pray that this touches your heart to love Jesus with everything that you are. 

Be blessed, 
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  1. Thank you for posting this, Lori! I have had these same thoughts many, many times! Though I haven't read this book, one of my biggest fears is to have lived a wasted life. Have I loved Him enough, served Him enough, glorified Him enough? Great to be reminded to give Him ALL of myself!

    Hope you recover well... and quickly!

    1. Thank you, Sondra. I appreciate your comment so much. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that has thought that. I am doing quite well, thank you Lord!!
