My Fashion Over 40 ~ My Word For The Year

I usually share with you a little something from our Sunday morning church service, but I felt today I needed to share with you "My Word For The Year".

Word for 2015
But first we'll take a peek at what I wore to church this Sunday....

Fashion Over 40

If you haven't figured it out by now... I'm a pretty basic, classic gal.  Sure, I'll add a few "trendy" things to my wardrobe, but I'm more comfortable in easy classics.  I wanted to try a "refashion" this week, but it's just not going to work when I try to sew the clothes on Sunday morning at 7am when we need to leave by 8:30.... Yeah. So, a little more planning on my end will help alot!!

These are basics everyone needs in their closet, black dress pants and a black cardigan.  I probably have about 4 black cardigans.  They are all different styles to go with different looks. The purple sweater, I don't wear much.  I don't care too much for the boatneck style, but with a cardigan and a necklace it seemed to work.

Okay, back to my word for the year.  Have you ever done that?  I have for the last 2 years and it's so interesting how my focus changes and aligns with that word.  You can read about the ones I've chosen before. I didn't write about it in 2012, but I included it in last year's post.
This last year, I really wanted to be intentional about a few things in my life and I was successful in some and not so much in others. One thing I felt I was intentional in was friendships. I really felt that was something The Lord wanted me to do. So, I invited a couple of girlfriends to have coffee once a month. It was awesome! We had coffee almost every month last year! It was a great encouragement to all of us. This is something we all want to continue!

One area I don't feel I succeeded in was quality time with The Lord.  I had devotions just about every morning, but I don't know if I was always "there". If you know what I mean.  I can be easily distracted and sometimes it just felt like something I was checking off my list.

That's just a sample. So, last year I wanted to be proactive to do certain things...  This year I want to invest myself, not just be present. That's where I felt God was leading me for this year.

Word for 2015

Here is a definition that I like from Webster's.

Invest: To spend (money, time, effort, etc.) in hopes of a return. To give power, authority, or rank to. To cover or surround as if with a garment.

Interesting... So, this is what I'm thinking... Sometimes I feel like I treat my life like I'm on vacation all the time.  Don't get me wrong, I'm soooo very blessed to be able to stay home.  I've been a stay at home mom most of my married life and now that the kids are grown and leaving the nest, I am a stay at home "wife".  I don't have the busyness of the kiddos anymore so it seems like I've relaxed and gotten into this day to day vacation mentality.

I do what I want, when I want and sometimes that turns into a very unproductive day.  I feel lately that my days are running me and not me running my days.  It's so wonderful to have that freedom, but I'm feel like I'm lacking focus and direction. I'm a lister and things definitely get done, but I can be easily distracted.  What's my main distractor?

Social Media

Yeah... I don't know about you, but I get lost and don't realize how much time I've wasted.

So, I want to put a limit on this.  When I worked a part time job, I was much more productive. It forced me to use my time much more wisely.  It creates time limits and deadlines. At least for me it did. I'm going to try and "work" my day and be ready to "work" by a certain time and put limits in my life. Because I want time to INVEST into it.

  • I want to INVEST in Jesus time, to really be there during my devotions. 
  • I want to INVEST into my marriage and family. 
  • I want to INVEST into my home, my church, my health, my blog, etc.

Investing into these areas require time and effort, and as I work at this, I'm praying for a return. That the Lord will be glorified.  That I will be a servant of His to use anyway He sees fit. I definitely don't have "the plan" all figured out, but it will be a work in progress, I'm a work in progress.  That's what God's Word says... and He will be faithful to complete it!

Philippians 1:6 (NLT)
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his workuntil it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

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  1. I love the word of the year. Last year mine was Play/Fun (because I forget to do that). This year I want to HEAR and LISTEN what God has to say, what my kids and husband have to say too.

    1. Hi Andrea! Thanks, I love your words.... Listening and hearing are very different...Have a great year!!
