Nail Polish Marbling

This is sooo cool!! Have you seen this before?
Nail Polish Marbling2
I saw this on Pinterest... btw you can follow me on Pinterest, if you click HERE.

So, here's the background to the story. I'm trying to 'springify' my house a bit. Simple, uncluttered, fresh and clean looking. Here's the entry area.
Yeah...It's almost too bare, but I'm not done yet.

I love the bright flowers, (even if they are fake), but the vase, not so much.
Flower Vase
Plus you can see all of the ugly stems. Yes, they're fake, but let's not advertise that they are!

Well, that's about to change!  First, I spray painted the vase white. I used my favorite spray paint Rustoleum Painter's Touch 2X.  The. Best. Ever!!  And no it's not warm enough to spray paint, but I just ran outside spray painted and ran back inside for it to dry.  It worked. :)

Then I got a large bucket and filled it about half way with water.
Nail Polish Marbling
Put a few drops of each nail polish color in the water.  It was trial and error.  Some polish spread quickly, some just blobbed.  If I didn't like it, I just "scooped" it with a toothpick and started over. You need to work a bit fast. After you drop in the nail polish, then you just dip the vase in the water and it sticks to the vase. Cool, right?!

I just love the detail.
Polish Detailing
After I dipped it I set it upside down and let it dry.  I'm going to spray a clear coat on it, but I was too excited to put my flowers back in the vase.

Doesn't this look awesome??
DIY Watercolor Vase

A little more styling and we'll be ready for spring!  Now for some warmer weather.... I'm ready!

 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg


  1. This is super cool and I love the results. Did you do some freehand detail or is that just the results of the dip. Love it! pinning, Cathy

  2. Oooooh Love this. No I hadn't seen it before but fantastic idea and wonderful up cycle of a cheap vase to something special.

  3. What was the temperature of your water?

    1. Pretty sure is was just cold tap water. Hope yours turns out beautiful!
