Building Extension Cabinets To The Ceiling {OMG! I did it!!}

I've got to get you up to speed! I have done so much, but I haven't had the time to blog about it!! So, let's jump right to it!! The "change of plans" from my last post kinda scared me.  But the idea of having little adorable glass fronted cabinets above our existing cabinets had me giddy! I have to admit I was completely intimidated. I just kept looking at this inspiration picture!! So fabulous!!
glass upper cabinets

Hubby had more confidence in me than I did. But, I put on my big girl britches and got to work and guess what?? I actually did it??!!! I built the front frames, built up the sides and finished cutting and installing the crown molding! Whew!!  I used a Kreg jig to put the front frames together. That is a handy tool. It really makes the frame solid and sturdy. (There are so many tutorials out there, I'd check them out if you want to know more.)
Kreg Jig
Then you just join them with a screw in those long holes, easy and done!
Front Frame
Next, I installed the frame along with the side of the upper cabinet.
Building Upper Cabinets
Later, I realized I should have made the sides of the frame go to the ceiling so that the crown molding would have something to attach to... Oh well.... :/ I just added some blocks and toenailed them in.

I used pretty funky chunks of wood to give the sides support... No one will see them...
Funky supports

One side complete!!
Oven Side Uppers Complete
And... the other side!
Fridge Side Uppers Complete
That frame above the fridge was a bear to get in!  Thank goodness, Hubby was there to help! We Kreg Jigged the frame into the cabinets.  That baby isn't going anywhere!! We left that space open with no separation between cabinets. It will be easier with lighting and it was a lot less work than putting in boards between every cabinet. I'm sooooo happy the way things are turning out!!

Hubby also helped out with this outlet in the long counter that for some reason the builder put in sideways.... Kinda weird, lazy? whatever...

Hubby fixed it! Smooch!! <3
Sideways Outlet
There was juuuust enough wire to turn it upright.
Cutting outlet
You can see it fixed here in the "War Zone"! The hole will be covered with a board. Ugh, this mess.... I was kinda freaking out with all that stuff everywhere!! Hubby is so sweet, he never complains or says a word.
War Zone
Okay... Last up, crown molding. This was so stressful for me! I needed 22 ft.  I bought 24 ft. I was praying I wouldn't make any mistakes. Even though, I've never done it before! I watched a YouTube video over and over and I felt like I understood the process. Voile'! All done!
Crown Molding Oven Side
Crown Molding Fridge Side
You would have laughed at me.  I was talking to myself the whole time trying to remember all the little tricks for cutting crown molding, and all the praying and thanking Jesus for the cuts that worked out!  I had about a foot of board left over! Perfect! I'll probably do a tutorial on the crown molding process I used, it was so easy once you understand the cuts. :)

There is a gap at the ceiling, right at the corner cabinet.  I had it all the way up to the ceiling but apparently my ceilings aren't level, because the molding wasn't straight on the cabinets. So, I dropped it down and will fill in that area with caulking and it'll be good to go!

Now to order cabinet doors!  I'll just be ordering the frames for them and installing glass in them.

Hopefully, this will be the last picture of my orange cabinets! As you can see I've emptied my cabinets and taken off all the doors.  I debated on whether to empty them or tape them, like I did those two in the picture. But, I decided it was time to clean them out anyways.

Yesterday, I sanded everything.  I need to finish up some touch ups, today. Then I'll wipe it all down and get ready to prime.

I have been super busy lately! My daughter's college graduation is this weekend. And after I had already started the kitchen we decided to throw a graduation party in 2 weeks! WHAT??!! Oh, yes.  I am going to try my darnedest to get my kitchen painted and back in order by then!

Oh, and another thing I've been working on.... I'm heading up a committee to update our ladies bathroom at church.  It was seriously stuck in a pepto-bismal pink, 80's floral border style. I just received permission to blog about it, so I'll be sharing all that we've done in there and let me tell you it looks SOOOOOO much better!!  And let's add one more thing.... 2 apartments in our building just became vacant, that I need to clean are get ready. Lord, with You, All Things Are Possible!!

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  1. Lori,

    I absolutely love your blog, and the DIY you do. its amazing. someday, may be I will take on a small project share with you. wish me luck.


  2. This design is so beautiful. It makes me relax even just looking at the pics.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That colour is amazing! You always make such brave choices with colour and this looks beautiful! my blog
