Whole {30} Starting Today ~ Here We Go Again!

If you’ve heard of  the Whole 30 program and have never tried it, you definitely should give it a look see. It will revoluntionize the way you eat and the way you feel!

FYI this post contains affiliate links. I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

This is the book that launched this program. So, if it’s so great, why do I need to do it again? Well, as awesome as it is, I am not that awesome. It’s a very strict program and it’s difficult to “live it”. Although, there were a couple of things that permanently changed for me last time I did it. (You can read how I completed my first My First Whole 30, here.)

The first major change was, I started drinking my coffee black….I’ve heard this saying, “Once you go black, you never go back.” That is so true! I rarely if ever have anything sweet or creamy in my coffee. I just don’t care for it at all anymore.

Second, I stopped eating sandwiches. If we go to Subway, yeah I'll probably have one. But I almost never make sandwiches at home to eat. I'll usually make lettuce wraps. I just haven’t be able to go back to eating all the bread I used to. Don’t get me wrong… I love bread! And I certainly wouldn’t turn down a hot roll from Texas Roadhouse…Ugh… Those are one of my many downfalls.

Here’s a quick break down of what Whole 30 is.... It's 30 days of eating ‘clean’. No flour, dairy, sugar, or processed foods. Meals mostly consist of vegetables, protein (unprocessed meat), and fruit. It’s simple but strict.

Anyway.. there have been some things going on that have led me to want to do another Whole 30. Here’s the background… about 1 1/2- 2 years ago, I did something to my knee while running. Of course, I didn’t go to the doctor…duh! I stopped running, and decided to walk instead. That seemed to work, no more knee pain. But lately, say in the last 4-6 months, that changed.

Now, I was having pain in almost all exercising except for walking. I like to do work out videos, too. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred  and Jillian Michaels Ripped In 30 are two of my favorites. Anyway, I finally made an appointment with the doctor. The prognosis is… runner’s knee. But according to the xrays, the doctor says there is no reason I can’t keep running. I have plenty of cartilage, my knees look good. I was thrilled to hear that! So, he ordered some therapy and I’ve been doing that for about 1 month.

The therapist recommended, I stop all other exercising except for walking. Trying to get this knee on the mend. Yet, after a month, I’m not much better…Back to the doctor... The next step is to find out what's going on inside my knee. I have an MRI scheduled for next week. During all of this, I am having a very hard time maintaining my weight. It doesn't help that I haven't been eating the best, pretty much whatever I want... and that means lots of sugar!! ;P

I can feel the pounds creeping back on. My clothes aren’t fitting the greatest either. I’m not a happy camper. So, to get myself back on track and to feel better on the inside, I need to do this. It’s kind of like detoxifying my body. I’m actually excited about it, because I already know how great I’m going to feel!

In order to make this as easy as possible, I try to plan ahead and make very simple meals. A few of my favorites that I’ll be making…

Mexican Cauliflower Rice

I also make some super easy oven chicken fajitas to go with that Mexican Cauliflower Rice, YUM!! I'll also be grilling some turkey burgers, and chicken, plus lots of salads. I'm going to stress this point again.... It’s important to keep easy and simple. Because if it’s too complicated and difficult for me, I’ll loose my focus and won’t finish. 

Here we go....Day 1 is today! If you follow me on Instagram, you might catch some of my meals. I'll be sure to share some new recipes I try with you, too!! :)


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