Welcome 2017 ~ Organizing And Cleaning Up

Hi there! It's been awhile since we've chatted.... I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a fun and safe New Year's Eve. I just love the new year! I am energized by the new start, new beginnings, all the new and exciting things to come!! Here we go 2017!!

Welcome 2017

It was terrific having family home for Christmas. We were introduced to my daughter and her fiance's dog, Ranger. Omg! That face!!

New puppy

He was sooo adorable! I caught him chewing on that bow... Ahhh! I can't stand the cuteness!! Our poor kitty spent the weekend in the basement, she wasn't going to have anything to do with that animal. lol

Hubby and I hosted our annual New Year's Eve Party. We love celebrating with friends and family. There was lots of fun, games and yummy food! We had a wicked game of spoons going on!!

New Year's Eve

So, what's in store for 2017? To be honest with you, I'm not sure...

I found out that I'm going to need shoulder surgery. I have had chronic problems with my shoulder for years. I've had cortisone shots and have been doing home therapy for years. In August, it kind of froze up and it hasn't been the same since. So, I had an MRI and surgery is scheduled. It's my right shoulder, so I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do. We'll see how it goes...

In the meantime, because I'm going to be laid up for a bit, I have been cleaning and organizing. I even cleaned the basement. It's the cleanest it's been in years! Remember this??? Now this photo is probably from 2014... but seriously this is where it all started!

Then it went to this... I worked pretty hard on this almost a year ago... You can check out Basement Progress. This is better...

Keep scrolling....

Now it looks like this! It's so clear, clean and organized. It just makes me smile. 😊   Of course, this isn't really completed, it's a work in progress.  

On the right of the photo, are boxes on the middle shelf, they are jam packed with photos I need to go through. That mess will be coming upstairs... It'll be a project for me to do while my shoulder is healing.

Basement Organized

Basement Organized

Now that paint shelf on the right, is one I am super proud of.  I built that myself and it is sooo handy to have all of my paint easy to see and access.

Basement Organized

I did a tutorial on how I Organized My Paint.

Organize Your Paint

I've been organizing areas I haven't touched since we moved in. I'm serious!! That's 7 years folks!!! 😜 A certain linen closet has been driving me crazy, and I just decided it needed to be done. Now! That will be another post...

That's just how I roll. It bothers me for a while, it could be a good LONG while and then BAM! I can't take it anymore and it has to be done right then and there. Poor hubby, he loves me so much, he just lets me do my thing... mess and all... 😍😍

The other day, I put all of the Christmas decor away and cleaned up. Wiped me out, but it's done.

Empty Living Room

The house looks a little naked, but I like a fresh clean start. Hubby said it now echoes in there...lol 😂   

I know it sounds weird, but I like it... It clears my head and frees me to think of ideas. Then I can decorate with a clean slate so to speak. It kind of energizes me. 😊

Well, that's all for now... it's back to work!!


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