25 Quirky Things about me...

HAVEN is in 7 more days....
And I'll be in Atlanta, GA for my very
first bloggy conference.
I was nervous just signing up! You can read about that here.
Now, I'm getting ready to leave.
No wonder I've been a basket case lately....
Well, there's been a TON of stuff going on around here!!

I know that I'm going to meet so many amazing people!
I know that I'm going to learn so much!
I know I'm going to have the time of my life!
I know, I know, I know!
So why am I so nervous???
Probably fear of the UNKNOWN!!
I just need to take a deep breath and relax!

One of the ladies going did a post on 25 things about herself. I thought that was kinda neat.  So, here goes... Can I even think of 25 "interesting" things about myself.... We'll see

1. I am a born again Christian.

2. I have been married to my best friend for 24 years.

3. I was born and raised in California,but have lived in PA for the past 20 years.

4. I wake up every morning and enjoy a cup of HOT coffee!  Must be HOT! 
Kinda scalding... :) Then a couple of more...

5. I don't make my bed everyday.  In fact, I don't make it most days...

6. I think I'm ADHD or something like that. I get easily distracted and can't seem to finish projects.  Either that or I'm just plain lazy.  That could be true too.

7.  I like to listen to music, but I prefer silence.  I like it quiet.

8. Oh, that leads me to this.... I require large amounts of alone time. I really enjoy being by myself. Not all the time though.

9. I like to watch movies. My all time favorites... The Kingdom of Heaven, The Last SamuraiLord of the Rings,  The Blindside.
I could actually just keep going.... The Bourne series, RED, Killers, 27 Dresses... 

10.  I have 2 AMAZING kiddos! My son is 21 and will be a senior in college! 
My daughter is 19 and will be a sophomore in college!

11. I love food.  I just don't like to cook it. But I do like to bake. 
Actually, I'm a sugaraholic.

12.  I love Chinese food, and it must be eaten with chopsticks!

13.  I had my first surgery this year, I had never been "under" before.  
All went fine!

Ok... I've made it half way through...

14. I really like to garden.  Even weed...  I know, weird.

15. I'm addicted to Words With Friends!  My highest word... I think it was 115.  :)

16.  Yes, I'm addicted to Pinterest too!!  I'll probably never even do anything with all the things that I pin!

17. I like to read.

18. I don't do mental math.... Why? That's what calculators are for! I have an app on my phone!

19. Oh, I love to do puzzles!  Gotta keep that brain active!

(Almost done!  I can do this!!)

20. I love to go shopping! (I don't know too many girls that don't)  But I'm cheap!! LOVE a good deal!

21. I love football! I could watch is all the time!  Now, I've been a Cowboys fan forever... But I gotta tell you I've been thinking of switching teams... 
Is that allowed?

22. I want to travel with hubby and see some amazing sights!!  I'd love to see the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls!

23. I love my church and church family!  I really, really love them!!

24. I thoroughly enjoyed staying home and raising my kids.  We even homeschooled for 5 years!

25.  Last one....Hmmmm....I've never flown all by myself and I've never stayed in a hotel by myself and I'll be doing that next week at HAVEN!  

I did it!  It wasn't too hard! Hope you enjoyed learning a little more about how quirky I am.  

I can't wait til HAVEN!  It'll be here before I know it!


  1. I can't wait to meet you in person!!! We are so much alike, it's not even funny! I'm addicted to words with friends too, by the way! Love your list, friend....great idea! 3 days...

    1. Ahhh! I can't wait to meet YOU! We'll have to start up a game together! 2 more days!!! AHHHH!
