Easy Button Monogram

I actually finished a little project!
I have been so busy with the kiddos being home for a month, subbing at the high school cafeteria and working at the apartments.
It's really hard to carve out time for projects.
But, now the kiddos are back in college until spring break and I think I'll be done with the other "stuff" soon.
The gallery wall in my pool room is still my main priority to finish.  Even though, I'm dying to start work in my family room and kitchen.
I will finish this!
I want this wall to be different and interesting.
I don't want to just throw up a bunch of pictures.
So, I'm working on a plan.
It's definitely not going to happen overnight.
Here is the first project for the wall.

I've seen so many of these on Pinterest. 
I think they are so adorable!
Our last name is Leeper, 
so I thought it would be cute to make an "L" for the wall.
I liked the look of burlap for this project, 
so I went and purchased a yard of it for about $1.
I wanted a somewhat interesting looking "L".
The Times Roman font works for me.
Printing it out, I realized I didn't make it large enough, so I just free handed it a bit larger and cut the letter in half and added paper to lengthen it.
Then I traced it onto poster board, in case I want to use the stencil again.
It was easy to cut out with the exacto knife.
I centered it on the burlap and traced it.
A bunch of cool buttons, I just happen to have them on hand.
Hubby asked me where I got them.  
I really have no idea... maybe my mom at some time?
Who knows...
I used a permanent marker to fill in the initial.
I wanted it to appear completely filled in.
Plugged in my glue gun and got to work.
This was the fun part :)
  I started with little buttons outlining the entire letter.
Then I stacked them with more interesting buttons.
That's really all there was to it.
Very, very easy!
I'm really happy with the way it came out!
At least the monogram, I'm not thrilled with the frame.
But I wanted to finish this.
I have WAY better plans for the frame.
Remember I said I wanted the wall to be different and interesting.
Well, that frame is common and boring.
So, let's just look at the initial...
Love it!!  :)
Hopefully, I'll have some time to work on the frame project this week...


If you like it Pin It!


  1. Such a great idea! Love it, Lori!

  2. Your monogram looks great, Lori! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Love this! I might have to try this out - I've got a few cool frames that need something in them!

  4. Thanks for the great tutorial! I've seen this monograms floating around the net, but this is by far the best instructions, and i really like the classy look of the result. I've featured this project in my DIY button ideas list at http://wishfultinker.blogspot.se/2013/02/10-diy-projects-with-buttons.html
