Closet Clean-Up

We survived Hurricane Sandy without any damage at all. We are so very blessed.  My heart and prayers go out to all that have been devastated.  
So much damage, it's unbelievable. 
Please keep the east coast in your prayers. 

Since I was stuck at home and the electricity was holding out, 
I couldn't just sit around doing nothing...
I figured I'd do as much as I can while I could.
Yes, I filled my tub up with water.  Since, we are on a well, we would need water to flush our toilets.  I learned that one the hard way, when we lost power for a few hours a while back.... that's all I'll say about that. :/

Anyway... I've been really wanting to attack my closet.  But it's one of those things that I really have to be in the mood for.  Just so you know, I haven't been in the mood since we moved here 3 years ago.
And I really am a bit of a slob.  I try to keep it clean, I just get lazy...
So, the mood finally hit as 
Hurricane Sandy was hitting...
This is the entry to our closet.
See the Necklace Organizer?  I made that out of an old CD holder, you can read about that here.
Before we go any further.... I should ask you not to hate me.  
I have a very large walk in closet. I'm spoiled.  It's my hubby's fault. 
Believe me I am very thankful for this closet!
Especially for this....
Yes, I have a microwave in my closet.  I like to cook popcorn upstairs for movies or heat up my coffee.
But I'm really more thankful for that little opening.  It's our laundry chute.  It goes right downstairs into my laundry room. My daughter's closet has access to the chute as well.  That is a huge blessing!!

Here is a picture of the room clean.  I would embarrass myself too much if I showed you how I really keep it.  :)
Another side note... these pictures came out awful.  
But I'm thinking that could be a good thing?
That was before I got rid of some clothes and junk.
Let's just picture shoes all over the middle and clothes left all over the floor. That would be more normal.
Here is hubby's side.  He keeps his pretty clean.
So, what I wanted to do, is get rid of some of the clothes I haven't worn much and some of my clothes looked like "mom" clothes.  What do I mean by that? 
I felt they looked like old lady clothes.  
I had some patterns that were awful and some pants that just didn't fit well. Sometimes, I ask myself, what was I thinking when I bought this??? 
I don't want to dress like a teenager, but I also don't want to dress like I'm 60.  Isn't there a hip middle? That's what I'm going for.

Well, it was time to say goodbye!
This is what it started to look like as I cleaned it out.
Huh, it actually looks kinda normal.... :/

There's the pile of clothes going to be donated.
It's not a big pile, but it's a pile!
I did some rearranging and organizing.
The next thing I did is really going to help me when I go through them again this summer.  Which I will, because this is so cool!
I reversed all of my hangers! So, the next time I wear something and I go to hang it up again, I'll hang it up correctly.  Then, I'll see which hangers are still reversed.  That will mean I didn't wear them at all!  
Time to donate!
It will be interesting to see what I actually wear.
So, I finally finished!
One side done...
Then the other...
I'm so glad that is over...
Maybe, I'll try harder to keep it clean. :)
How many of you keep your closet's clean?

1 comment

  1. My closet is a mess. I keep saying I have to clean it out, but then something else is more important... I'm afraid of how much I would have to throw away if I went through it now -I've got four different sizes of clothes in there! Soon...I'll get to it soon! Yours looks fabulous - completely envious!
