DIY Laundry Detergent

If you are on Pinterest...
You had to have seen how to make your own laundry detergent.
I mean really, EVERYBODY'S doing it!
So, I had to give it a try too!
First, I contacted my bloggy friend, Eliesa, at A Pinterest Addict.  She has a great blog and you should check her out!  She's in the middle of a bathroom renovation. I bet it's going to look fabulous!!
Anyway, she made this stuff earlier this summer, and I wanted to know if she still "loved" it.
And she DOES!
So, now I knew I had to try it.
Here's how I made my DIY Laundry Detergent.

I gathered all of the ingredients...
Washing Soda
Fels-Naptha bar soap
Only this is what I actually got out...
See, I had also bought a value sized box of baking soda. I thought to myself I need to put that away or I'm going to mix up these sodas....
So, what did I do??? I mixed them up.  I didn't find out til I was all DONE! Ugh...
I did find some recipes that called for both sodas. So, that's what I did.  I think the next batch I'll only use the washing soda.
Funny, right??  :)
Oh well.
Ok, so you have all the ingredients out.  With the correct "soda".
I grated the Fels-Naptha.  What a name? What does it even mean?? 
Move along, Lori... Grating it was super easy.  
I timed myself.  Three minutes tops!
Of course, I forgot to take a pic of that, but it just looks like grated cheese.
I wanted it finer, so I ground it up in my food processor.
Then just add 1 cup Borax and 1 cup washing soda.
(In my case, I have an extra cup of baking soda...)
Dump in the ground up soap.
Put the lid on and shake it up!
Literally took me less than 10 minutes to make.
I use 2 Tablespoons per load.
I've used it and I like it. I don't think that my "Tide" performs any better.  
This is just a whole lot CHEAPER!! (Which I like!)
I still use bleach for my whites.
Now I heard something about adding vinegar as softner.  
I'm going to have to check that out.

If you like it PIN it!

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