Brass Thumbtacks and A Box...

Happy Valentines

Yeah, I know Valentine's Day is over, but I love this adorable LOVE sign!
And I think it is cute enough for year round!
Just like my "I love you because...." frame. 
I made that two years ago and we still use it!

We do... now, not every day...but we really do still use it.
If you want to make one they are so simple, click Here to check it out.

I also shared yesterday, 5 Reasons Our Marriage Is Strong.
I think using that little "I love you because" frame helps strengthen us too.  Remember...its the little things. :)

I've always loved this type of LOVE sign! It's just simple and classic.

Brass Tacks LOVE

It was pretty easy to make.
Here were my supplies.

Supplies for LOVE Sign

Brass thumbtacks from Dollar Tree, a box and some poster board.
Yep, I covered just a regular ole box.
For one, we were having a huge snow storm and I wasn't going out.
Two, I'm cheap and I really didn't want to spend money on a white canvas board.
I keep poster board on hand.  I bought this 10 pack at Wally World for about $3.

Oh, I also used my trusty glue gun to "wrap" my box.  I don't think you really need instructions for that.
Just slap some glue on and wrap that baby.
I think the hardest part for me was picking out the font I wanted to use.
I ended up using Times Roman.

I printed out the letters and laid them on the box.

Printed letters

I cut up the L and the O.  I should have just left them alone like I did with the V and E.
I lined them up where I wanted them.
Then I traced the letters with a ballpoint pen.

Trace Letters

I've done this trick with lots of projects and it leaves just enough of an indent to see the outline at the right light.  It was pointless to try and take a picture.  I couldn't get it to show at all.  Please just take my word for it. :)

I started pushing the thumbtacks in, but then I noticed that I could see white through.  Hmmm...
I didn't like that.  I tried to overlap them, but it started getting too "bulky".  So. I took out the tacks and grabbed some goldish paint I had in my art box.

Painted Letters

I wasn't real perfect with it.  I just wanted it to work for the background.
You can see the holes in the L.
So, I tried it again.
I basically outlined the letters with the thumbtacks, then filled it in.  It's not perfect.
I don't need perfect.
Do you know a love that is perfect? Oh! Yes I do!
God's love is perfect!  Thank you, Lord!

So, all you really need is some Dollar Store Brass Tacks and a Box and there you go! LOVE it!!

Brass Tacks LOVE Sign

Sharing at these great parties!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Simona! Thank you! It was fun to do! I appreciate you stopping by!
