The Last of Apartment Projects...

I wanted to finish up with all of the projects my daughter did for her 
college apartment.
I already showed you her 

If you missed those you can click on the pictures or the link to check them out.
Next she made some "art" for the apartment.
I just love the chalkboards she made.
Morgan is so creative!  She asked me if we had any sort of wood that she could make a chalkboard with.
I figured we had to have something around, I kinda save "everything"
 (and no, I'm not a hoarder).
So, we started looking around.
Then we spotted it!
I had this old entertainment center that I took the doors off.  
One of those doors would be perfect!
Morgan took off the hardware and got to work.
All she had to do was tape it off and paint the center of it.
I had a can of chalkboard paint, (that was about 15 years old... but who's counting??) that went on beautifully!  
She also painted a smaller piece of mdf board we had lying around.
Gotta love that hairdo! :)
Oh!  I have to share this....
While we were painting in the garage, Dad came home from work and we were just chatting, and Morgan goes and sits on Dad's motorcycle...
Talking about her getting one... hahahaha!
So, Dad says wanna go on a ride? 
For some reason, Dad's never taken her before, I guess she's been driving about as long as he's had it, so there wasn't any reason to.
She says, "YES!"
She puts on my helmet and they go around the block.
So cute!! She was a bit scared.  I think Dad got up to a whopping 30mph! Whoa!  But she enjoyed herself!
Okay, back to chalkboards...
After they dried, she chalked them down and rubbed it in.

Pretty easy... 
I texted her this morning and asked her to take some pics of them hanging up.  
 Here's her living room. How about a close up?
She's my little artist! 
Don't you all remember starting out?
Trying to find free stuff for your first apartment? 
Mike and I were soooo poor everything we had someone had given to us and we were so thankful.
God always provides.
Here's the other little chalkboard they have near the kitchen.
They are using it for reminders...
 It looks like rent is due soon. :)

There are two more little things she did for the apartment.  Just painting some items we already had, she just wanted to make them her own.
This is just a little shelf for her room.  Yep, there's her boyfriend helping some more.  The white and gray match her headboard and office chair.

Then some tables for the living room.
These Ikea Lack tables were originally red, 
she painted one black and one light blue.
They turned out nice.

Now that Morgan's been bit by the DIY bug, 
I'm sure she'll be working on more projects for her apartment.  
Maybe on break when homework and studying aren't the priority.
I'm hoping to take some more pictures of her apartment when we head down there in a couple of weeks.
Hope you've enjoyed this little series.
 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg


  1. Great Job! Her apartment looks fab...and I loved the bike ride part!!

  2. My daughter did the same thing before going back to school - painting things she found at Goodwill and her old IKEA furniture. I think creativity is a sign of genius! (:

    1. You are so right, Gina! I love that she's learning to repurpose things. She's so artistic, thank the Lord she's studying graphic design! :)
