Christmas in July... Oops It's August!

Why am I talking about Christmas in the summer?? Well, if you know me, 
I'm a stickler about Christmas cards!  For the last 10 years or so, I've always done photo cards, and this year will be no different. 

Recently, I went to this super amazing awesome blogging conference called Haven, and through it I was introduced to one of it's sponsors.
Have you ever heard of them? I hadn't, but I'm so glad I have now!

Minted. has a beautiful selection of cards and
 appear to have excellent quality.

I'm particularly interested in their
Minted Christmas Cards
Click the link above and it will take you right to them.
In our house, pictures usually take place during Thanksgiving break.  That's when the kiddos are home from college and we can squeeze in a quick photo shoot at home.  This year will be different.
I already had them done! :)
Of course, I'm not that organized.
The reason was because my son moved to another state after graduation and I wanted to have family photos done before he left.  I wasn't sure when we would be able to get together again.  I'm so glad I did! Now, we already have our picture for our Christmas cards.
Minted. has some beautiful ones to choose from.
Here are a few of my favorites.

Let us adore


a savior is born

Aren't they gorgeous?
Here are a few of the pics I have to choose from for our Christmas Card.  I'm so pleased with our photographer, JHK Photography. Jen did a fabulous job!
I'm definitely going to have to put some thought into this.

I love my family!  I hope you all consider doing photo Christmas cards this year, I love sending and  receiving them.  It's a lovely personal touch.

Note: Minted. has offered free product in exchange for this post,  yet everything I wrote is my own opinion.  


  1. What a beautiful family you have Lori! Hope you are feeling better.

    1. Thank you, Mary!! And thank the Lord, I am starting to feel better. I really don't like being sick.... well, who does!

  2. Awww.... Thanks! I'm kinda leaning that way too. :)
