Organizing The Shed.... Finally Complete!! Yay!!

It only took about 4 years!!
It just kept being put on the back burner.
You know how that is...
But now it's done! Yay!
Do you remember these messed up pictures?
So embarrassing... but very real.

Shed Mess

The day we finally started working on the shed, was very overwhelming.  Where do you start?
Well, we just empty the whole thing out and start all over!

Emptying out the shed

It doesn't look so bad when you spread it all out.

And here's the shed completely empty.... well mostly.

Cleaned Out Shed

That first day we were able to get the tools hung and cleaned out the trash and junk. I love how the tools look like they are floating.

Tools In Order

You know I'm cheap, so we just used nails to hang them.  Hubby drilled holes in the wooden handles.  We had them hanging this way at our old house. 
So, it was pretty easy to do a repeat.
Then of course, a thunderstorm came and cut things short.... 
We scrambled to throw everything back into the shed. :/

It took us a couple of weeks to get back to it. We actually finished it the last weekend of August.  Remember "my month" and all I wanted to accomplish! Ha! You will get a kick of that one. 
I correctly labeled it...
Did I Bite Off More Than I Can Chew?
What an understatement!
I wanted to finish at least one of the projects that we started that month. 
Well, we did do another little project in August, we added a stone storage area behind the shed for the trailer.
I didn't want to see the trailer, and that space was pretty much useless. It's worked out very nice!

And we have our wood pile for the fireplace and other junk....

Trailer space behind shed

Hubby and I had talked about adding some shelves to the shed to store some stuff off the floor.  
When we finally got back to finishing it, Hubby started on the shelves we discussed, while I kept organizing.

He had a great idea of making these shelves above the doors.  Genius!

Building shelves above doors

I love these shelves!
He put one up above each door. You'll see the other in another picture.
Then he asked if I wanted some peg board above my potting table.  
Uh... Yeah!!! I love that man!!
So, he helped getting them up initially, then it was my job to finish screwing it in.  See, I know how to use some tools! Oh yeah... Me at my finest! Ha ha!

Mounting Pegboard

I love the organizing options this gives me!

Pegboard Organized

Now the shed is workable! The whole middle is empty. It is so easy to find things in here now!
See the other shelf above the doorway?

Shed Organized and Cleaned

And more stuff stored above the other doorway.

Shed Organized and Cleaned

No more frustrating moments trying to find tools or birdseed or my trowel.
I can't wait for the garage to be this organized, but that seems like it's going to take forever!!!
We'll get there! :)

So glad you stopped by! Thank you for reading!
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