My Fashion Over 40 ~ Leaving and Legacy

I'm so happy right now!  Both my children are here! Granted they are both working, which I don't care, because they're actually HERE!! :) My daughter is busy on college graduation projects and my son is working from "home" on some techy computer system java "stuff".

Yesterday, was a big day, our Pastor's last Sunday. Yeah, kinda emotional, but it was a very good day!

My Fashion Over 40
I struggled finding something to wear. I tried on a couple different outfits.  A black dress, nah.  Then I tried this skirt with a blue shirt. It was kinda too matchy matchy with hubby.  He was wearing a blue dress shirt with his suit and tie. I don't mind coordinating, but not matching. So, I opted for this red shirt.

Black and red is so classic. Nothing is new here.  In fact, the shirt, I've taken in several times and I love this sweater so much, that I've taken it in as well.  It has a black sequin trim around the neck and front.  It just dresses up any outfit. Black pattern tights and small heels.  The pearls just seem to work.

To be honest, I was wound  pretty tight yesterday morning at church, and my notes don't really make a whole lot of sense.  Hubby and I were both involved with a lot that was taking place yesterday with honoring our pastor. Hubby more so than I, but I felt the pressure all the same. :)  Everything went very smoothly, from the presentations to the banquet and even the clean-up. God is good.

Our Pastor continued to reassure us and build us up.  He played this video that was quite inspiring by Dr. Myles Munroe. Dr. Munroe actually just died in a plane crash two weeks ago, right after filming this video.

I am encouraged and believe the best is yet to come for our church!

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