Appetizers For Bookclub ~ and college stuff everywhere...

This post will be short and sweet!

Well, life has been a bit out of the ordinary here at the Stonybrook House. I didn’t realize how much I missed my kiddos.

Last weekend, I drove 4+ hours to pick my daughter up from college and brought her home and all of her STUFF! Then my son came home from college a few days later with all of his STUFF! 

We’ve had STUFF everywhere!! From laundry to mini fridges to college books to just stuff everywhere! Wow! What an adjustment. More food is needed, and more dishes are left out!

But I have enjoyed hanging out with them, chatting and catching up on life. It’s been a great week. So, that’s where I’ve been.

Plus working in the yard and of course, at the "glorious" apartments…

And I had book club last week also at my place! I adore my book club.

These are the refreshments I made! 
Book Club Appetizers
 Two of them were from Pinterest!
Dreamsicle Cupcakes
Dreamsicle Cupcakes ~ 2 ingredients:
one can of diet orange soda and one white cake mix!
Fruit kabobs
 Fruit Kabobs ~ Yummy!!
veggie tray
Just some plain veggies...

So anyway, here is my Progress report:

Street light garden is 95% finished, just add mulch. 

A solution for mailbox garden, so that mulch won’t run down the street.

Electric box garden, the decision was made to abandon this garden. It is going back to mostly grass. So, I am in the process of transplanting all of the plants in there except a few.

Dirt was delivered last week and the process of filling
up the planters is underway!

Hopefully the salsa garden will be planted by this weekend, if it would ever stop raining!!

Plus, we are almost done with one apartment! Carpet in the living room and trim and we will be finished!

I Love Progress!! It’s getting there slowly but surely!

 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg


  1. Ohhh.. have fun with your kiddos! And I will take a cupcake please :)

    1. Hi Kelly! Thanks, I am! Please take these cupcakes! Made another batch cuz the son wanted some more! I'm going to eat way tooo many.
