My Fashion Over 40 ~ How Great Is Our God!

Today's outfit is a new favorite!  Of course, it must be including jeans, right? How'd you guess?
My Fashion Over 40
Yup! This top.... Well, let's just say, I was going to give it away.  I tried it on with several different pants, but it just wasn't working.  It was way tooo big. Which didn't make sense, it was only a size medium.  I usually wear a small, but I thought it would work.  Plus it was on clearance for $2.97, at you know where.... JC Penny's. How can I pass up $2.97?

Anyway.... I found these cute skinny belts for $.97 at the same place and I really haven't been brave enough to wear them.  I haven't worn a fashion belt for years and years...  I've worn them to hold up my biggie work jeans. I guess I shied away from them during my "bigger" years and just wasn't sure I could pull it off.  But surprise!!

This shirt just needed to be belted and I love it!!  Of course, I needed to add a sweater, because I will freeze if I don't.  :) I liked it way more than I thought I would!
My Fashion Over 40
I have a couple of things I'm on the hunt for, some scarves, dress pants and some brown boots. I just don't seem to have time to shop.... One of these days....

Youth Day
How Great Is Our God!

It was Youth Day at church yesterday! It was great to see our youth group completely take over our morning service. They lead the worship, even playing the piano, drums and guitar. They were awesome!  One did announcements, while another prayed for prayer requests. They took up offering and one of the youth preached a great message!

We've been going to our church for over 20 years and it's amazing to see how much they've grown over the years.

This 16 year old young man reminded us that God will never leave us.  That He is with us in the highs and in the lows. We need to remember to thank God for His goodness especially during the good times.

God grants us authority.  He gives us tools for whatever job He has for us.  God gives us the power to crush our enemies.  I love how he put it, "It's like God gave us all the answers to the test, an easy "A"". This young man nailed it!

He also reminded us that God will and already has forgiven us.  We just need to ask and move on, not to get stuck, but also not to use it as an excuse to sin.

Romans 3:23-26New Living Translation (NLT)

23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God freely and graciously declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. 25 For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, 26 for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.
We must also forgive others, Christ has forgiven us of so much, how could we not forgive.  He said "What others have done to us, doesn't even compare to what we've done to God."

So true!  What an awesome service! I'm so thankful that our Pastor gave this opportunity to our youth.  They have such a vital role in our church.  They are the future generation! God bless them!

Have a great day!
 photo New Lori 100_zps2lw4mgnc.jpg

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